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We are a website business dedicated to making life better for everyone.  Our slogan is “A little bit better each and every day.”  We have a daily Blog which encourages individuals to improve a little bit each day in some area of their lives and as they do this it will spread to the rest of their lives.  As part of the website we also Honor Veterans for their service and also single working moms who are making sacrifices for their families.  Each day we honor a veteran and a single working mom on the site.  As part of this honor we would like to seek your partnership on our site to provide them with 4 meals that do not exceed $25.00 each.  This would be meals which they would eat in your restaurant.  In return for your help with this project we will provide the following: 

Our main $500.00 package for the year which includes:


A listing on our partner page with a link to your website

A permanent banner ad on their individual page with a link

A rotating banner on each page of the site with a link

A display page that you can display in your business showing your support

See the site at:  




John T. Heise

PO Box 298  

Williston, ND  58802


Count me in for my support:

Company Name:_________________________________________________

Company Web Address:_________________________________________

Company Physical Address:_____________________________________

Company banner ad if you have one:____________________________


I will provide 4 meals for one sponsored Veteran or Single Working Mom not to exceed $25.00 per meal in exchange for partnership on the Web Site for one year.




Thank you again for your support!

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