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A Soldiers Prayer

By Lori Hatcher


Thank you for the example of David, the warrior king who poured out his heart to you from the midst of battle. Whether he was running for his life, fighting for his countrymen, or celebrating a victory, his thoughts often turned to you. 

Sometimes he wept in fear and frustration. Other times he wrestled with doubt, discouragement, or loneliness. When sin broke his heart (and yours), he talked to you then, too. His example reminds me I can come to you no matter what I’m facing, and you will hear my prayer. 

I praise you, Father, as Lord of the universe and the supreme commander in chief. You direct world affairs for your purpose and your glory. Nothing happens apart from your will. I can rest, knowing that everything that comes into my life has been filtered through your fingers of love.  Help me trust you and believe. When my faith wavers, help me in my unbelief.

You tell us in your Word that if we regard sin in our hearts, you will not hear us, so I begin this time of prayer with confession. Forgive me, Lord, for the ways I’ve failed you. For the times when I’ve sinned against you in word, thought, or deed. Forgive me, too, for the times when I could have done good, but didn’t. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.  

Lord, my list of needs is long. But you are a Father who loves to give good gifts to your children. You encourage us to come boldly to your throne to find grace and help in time of need. And so I ask

For Safety

Father, I commit my life into your hands. Whether on land, sea, or in the air, guard and keep me. Protect me from enemy assault, accidents, and errors in judgment. Protect my comrades, too.

For Protection from Enemies

Every day, God, I face enemies from without and enemies from within. You tell us in your Word that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, and the forces of wickedness in high places. Bind Satan and his influence in the world. Render powerless those who work for him and with him. Confuse and thwart their plans. Surround me with your angels and let no weapon formed against me prosper. Hide me in the shelter of your wings.

For Endurance

Lord, as the nights turn into days and the days blur into nights, I grow weary. I never finish the work. For every one project I complete, I find two more waiting to take its place. Every patrol, watch, or duty I log seems to be just one of an endless cycle. I wonder if I’m making a difference, or just wasting time, energy, and resources. Remind me that those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. I need eagle strength today, Lord. Help me run the race with perseverance, knowing there is a reward at the end. More than anything, I want to hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” 

For Purity

The temptations are many, Father, and sometimes my resolve grows weak. Help me, like the psalmist, commit to set no unclean thing before my eyes. Give me strength to turn to off, turn away, or walk away from anything that compromises my purity or my commitment to those I love. Guard me from anyone who would endanger the vows I’ve made to my spouse. You promise not to allow me to be tempted beyond what I can bear. Help me see and take the way out you provide so I can stand up under any temptation. Help me make no provision for the flesh. Give me wisdom to recognize potentially dangerous situations and avoid them.

By Steven Vandervort​


What it means to be a Veteran


The life altering decision to join the military comes with much that is never heard nor seen by the general public.  Much of this commitment is both physically and mentally life altering. For many Veterans’, they carry their memories internally within their head and may on occasion share them with friends, family or in general conversation. Many do not! So, what does it mean to be a Veteran?

Being a Veteran means lying in your bedroom all night in fear as an 18 year old without sleeping knowing that you’re shipping off to Parris Island, South Carolina to start your Marine Corps career in a few hours.

Being a Veteran means having your heart beat well beyond its MHR (maximum heart rate) as that first drill instructor steps on the bus screaming at an octave you’ve never heard before and telling you that you have ten seconds to get off of the bus and line up on the little yellow footprints outside of the bus.

Being a Veteran means jumping into bed at perfectly rigid attention each night on a bed with perfectly folded corners that you could bounce a quarter off of. While lying in the top bunk of that metal grey bunk bed on a 100% wool blanket that is itching the hell out of your back, you and 70 – 85 other guys sing in unison the Marine Corp Hymn followed by Amazing Grace each night as you go to bed.

Being a Veteran means sitting in Korea one day during a 10 day field exercise and waking up to a snowstorm and losing all feeling or movement sensation and/or abilities in both of your feet for 4 – 5 hours from having borderline frostbite......

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Praying for safety and the families of the fallen
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