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Life Coach

Carolyn James Pytel


Chances are if you are here, you (or someone you love) are struggling with something in your life that is proving challenging enough to seek outside help. Life sometimes causes us to get stuck, but instead of allowing challenging experiences to positively transform us, we often let our pre-conditioned thoughts keep us from moving in the direction which is most beneficial to our own personal growth.

My own experience as well as the experience of others has led me to believe that when people are suffering, it comes down to one or two pre-conditioned thoughts that end up controlling and damaging their lives.

I will work closely with you to help you uncover your pre-conditioned thoughts, and then I will assist you in developing strategies for keeping those destructive thoughts out of your life.

Carolyn Provides:

Life Coaching for Adults

Health and Wellness Coaching

Life Coaching for Teens

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