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Smile today. Smile everyday. It will change lives, yours and the individuals you are smiling at. It's hard to be angry, sad, or even tired when you smile. There is nothing more infectious and heart warming than a baby's smile and the giggle that goes along with it. I recently became a granddad for the first time and every time I see my grandson smile it changes my day for the better. I feel better inside and see the happiness of innocence.

Your smile can change someone's day. I have found that if I give a smile, a big smile like, I know you smile, they will almost always smile back, they seem to get a little gitty-up in there step or sit up or stand up a little straighter. You can look into their eyes and see them almost say thank you for the smile. We don't know what people are going through. The smile you give may just give them hope, a moment of happiness, or a reason to give others a much needed smile. Catch a smile, it's contagious. Make someone's day - with a smile :)

“Too often we underestimate the power of

a touch, a smile,

a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,

all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

Leo Buscaglia

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