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Dr. David Sack writes in an article from Psychology Today that talks about 5 key points to be an extraordinary person.

A focus on the things that matter: So many people drift through life but the extraordinary person focuses on the the things they want to accomplish. Kindness: The concern for others and treating the kindly. A willingness to be seen as imperfect: None of us is perfect but extraordinary people aren't afraid to show their imperfections. An ability to connect: They talk to others and make them feel important and most importantly they listen to others it's a perfect recipe for connection. Joyfulness: It's no secret that most people like to be around happy and joyful individuals it's part of that connection, they are up-lifting and make others feel better. Start today to be that extraordinary person you are meant to be. Start by focusing on being a little bit better each and every day!

Being extraordinary, focusing on an accomplishment and getting an extraordinary result.

While it may seem small, the ripple effects of small things is extraordinary.

Matt Bevin

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