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What is My Why

Why? Everything we do is based on this three letter word. There is a reason for everything we do, it is our why. Most of the things we do have easy "why's". We drink water, why, because we're thirsty. We provide for our family, it maybe the husband, it maybe the husband and wife, or it maybe the single mom who works three jobs, why, because we want our family to have a certain standard of living. It's when it comes to the big things in life, the challenges we encounter, whether they are set upon us or are of our own doing such as a goal, that our why has to become so big that we will do it no matter what. The truth is, if the why isn't big enough the effort won't be big enough to overcome the challenges or meet our goals. We will accept a settled for life. To many people in the world today are living that settled for life. Many more have reached old age and have regrets that they didn't do that one thing in life that they had the opportunity to do but now can only think about what could have been. Don't be these people, you are better than that. Be the example, live your life to the fullest, tomorrow is not a given so do it today and see others follow your lead and have a better/great life. A little bit better each and every day!

Know your why!

“You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing, and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.”

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