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You hear this word used very often and it's a very powerful word. To most people it means more than raised emotions. It means your emotions are on edge, not quite euphoria but it shows in your actions. The picture below shows three girls displaying their excitement for being outside on a 75 degree day late in October in Northern WI. How and where do you show your excitement; with family, at work, at an event, going to a gathering, or maybe your just aren't moved to excitement. If you're not a person moved to excitement let's change that. Excitement is contagious. Find something you can get excited about, some type of passion in your life. Show it in the life you live and how you have it every day. Let others catch it from you. A little bit better each and everyday!

Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to excitement. The winner is they who gives themself to their work, body and soul. The excitement of being outdoors and beautiful weather

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