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We need to take that first step to reach our destination. Wether it's taking a trip, trying to complete a task, or trying to get to a goal or accomplishment. Nothing is accomplished without taking some kind of action. We need to make up our minds and go for it. Fear holds us back many times - but when we defeat the fear which is in our minds action can follow naturally. Look what happened at Normandy on D-Day. Ask any one who was there and you find there was plenty of fear. But because service members gave their lives, were injured severely, and suffer to this day they gained the most important victory in the world. We may be in fear of doing something but when you look at the sacrifices that have been made so we have the opportunity to tackle our challenges there is no reason we should step out and take action, make it so failure is not an option.

Do it and you will become a little bit better each and every day!

Take that first step so you can soar like an eagle

“The path to success is to take massive, determined actions.”

Tony Robbins

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