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We all have goals, what we need to do now is make those goals more specific and more meaningful and write them down. For example if you wanted to see the latest movie, let's say Rouge One, you wouldn't say to yourself I want to go to town or even I want to go to the theater. You are specific. I need to go to those places to get what I want but my specific goal is to go to that specific movie. So you get there and the show is sold out and you can't go. So you missed your goal, does that make you a failure? No the failure is just an event not the person. Does that mean you won't get to see the movie. Of course not. You will adjust the goal by finding when the next showing is or the next time that will fit into your schedule and that adjustment may also mean that you will go a little earlier to ensure you get a seat or even earlier to make sure you get a specific seat. These are all adjustments to your goals. Now these are goals that are not written down, but when look at what we want in life and set very important goals we need to write them down. It shows we are serious about them and it helps us plan how we will achieve these goals and become a little bit better each and every day.

A goal properly set is halfway reached.

Zig Ziglar

A goal, reaching your destination.

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