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The Little Victories

Just like making a pile of sand with little shovels full of sand, little victories added up can give a big victory. Any worthwhile project or goal will have it's ups and downs. The ups are your little victories, the downs your detours along your journey to your ultimate goal or project completion. Taking that first step, taking action, and gaining experience are all important elements in reaching your goal and seeing your little victories. As you move forward you will enjoy your journey as you see your little victories increase, some sweeter than the others and the detours will make those little victories more even more enjoyable. Don't let the detours stop you from reaching your goals, keep seeking answers, keep moving forward, get up if you're knocked down, and see the little victories lift you up to the big victory. A little bit better each and every day!

The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success...but significance!!! Then...even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning!

Markesa Yeager

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