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Wish, Want, and Need

I will talk a little bit about this and link an article to the picture below that will go into greater detail.

I probably could have added desire to the title as that is actually where everything starts, we desire to have something, then we wish we had it, followed by wanting to have it, and finally if it is something vitally important to us we need to have it. This process can be long or it can be very quick. The quick one could be you are swimming under water without a scuba tank or a snorkel. As you progress in your swim you desire to have air (oxygen), then you wish you had it so you can continue under water longer, next you want it as you begin to feel your lungs start to burn, then finally you need to have it or you will pass out or even lose your life and so you go to the surface and breath in the fresh air, the need is satisfied. This all happens within a few minutes or maybe even a shorter term. A longer term example could be a job. You desire to have a better job than one you currently have. Eventually you wish you had a better job and maybe even day dream about it. You start to become more dissatisfied where you are at (other needs could move you to this level) and you know you want a better job. At this point you may start looking for something better. And finally your bills become too overwhelming and you know you need a better job or another job. Your search now becomes more focused as you must satisfy that need. This could happen over a few weeks or over several years. The quicker you get your desire to a need, the harder you will work to satisfy it.

When I look carefully, I find that everything I want and need is actually there already, waiting for me to recognize its potential.

Needing true love

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