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A Friend Indeed

It's interesting the more you surround yourself and look for good and uplifting things in life the more you see them. Case in point, I have a friend that has had cancer for quite some time now. She has gotten better and then gotten worse, but she has kept a very positive attitude. Today she posted a very powerful quote which I am using for todays quote.

She had to cut her hair as it was coming out from the chemo and her husband shaved his head as well. Maybe it is only a small gesture but it is very powerful and meaningful to the one affected. I know others have done it too and it was just as important to that person as well. Remember each and everyday to look for that something special you can do for someone else. A smile, a word of encouragement, it can change their life and yours too! (God Bless X) A little bit better each and everyday!

Here's the quote:

I've learned it's not what I have in my life but who I have in my life that counts.

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