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In a race of two people or several thousand there is only one winner. That is true if your outcome goal was to finish ahead of everyone else. But what about those individuals who had other goals like winning their age group, being the first to finish in their gender, meeting or exceeding a specific time, or maybe just finishing the race because it is something you have never done before. When each of these goals are reached by the individual they become winners as well. Maybe they don't get a medal or ribbon or the recognition as the first person crossing the finish line but they have won, they are a winner. We can all be winners each and everyday by becoming better in some area of life. If we can just get a little better each day, even one tenth of one percent we are winners and if we can help others in the same manner we become even bigger winners. A little bit better each and every day!

"Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing."

Vince Lombardi

The winner!

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