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We all have attitudes, some good some not as good. Today we are talking about the attitude that makes a difference in the lives of others and ourselves and yes that is a good or great attitude. Do you ever hear people say about other people you know "wow he sure has a positive attitude", or "she sure has a great attitude"? Or do you here more of and hopefully not about you "they really have a bad attitude" or "what a terrible attitude they have"? How do these make you feel? One you see the speaker say it with a smile and enthusiasm while the other usually says it with a frown and a unhappy look on their face. We choose our attitudes and yes they can change from day to day, but when the negative creeps in we need to lift ourselves up and say I refuse to be down. Someone else is not going to determine my attitude, I am and I am going to be up beat and happy. And as you do you will have more people who will want to be around you. It's all about your attitude, make someone feel better because of your attitude. Yes they will feel better and so will you. Just a little more each day :)

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

Thomas Edison

A positive attitude, the attitude of a winner

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