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Often used to describe dogs, tenacity is the appropriate word to use for those who doggedly hang on to dreams and goals and finally reach them. No one is going to deter them from those dreams and goals and they may have to adjust along their journey they ultimately keep the vision in front of them all the time. That's the way winners become victors. The know what they want, they can see it, they can feel it, and finally with all the tenacity they can muster they reach their expected outcome. Don't let your dreams and goals die keep moving forward, hang on tenaciously, learn from past failures they're learning events and get that well deserved reward, you've earned it! A little bit better each and every day.

“Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity”

Louis Pasteur

Show your Tenacity, you're a real animal, you are a winner

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