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Did you ever do something you thought you would never do? I did, I rode a horse for 150 feet. That was enough, but even though I said I would never do it I did. It wasn't like I imagined it would be and I may do it again but it took pretty much all the courage I had to do it. I was shaking and feeling sick to my stomach but I did it. Others would say "aw that's nothing," but to me it was really something. It's just like your dreams and goals you may start out the same way or even feeling worse, I've had people tell me worse stories then mine and still having great outcomes. Use that courage you have and concur what ever it is you seek to do. You can do it, you know deep down you can. Take that first step even if it's a little one and keep building on it just a little bit more each and everyday.

“Courage is looking fear right in the eye and saying, “Get the heck out of my way, I’ve got things to do.”

Do what you've never done before

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