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Being Your Best

He/she did the very best they could. Has someone said this about you? Only you really know if it is true. If you lost, which many times is when this is said, can you honestly say to yourself I did give everything I had to give or is there some thought in your mind that maybe you could have done a little more and that would have made the difference between winning and losing. If the latter is true it can stay with you for a long time, especially if you don't get a chance to redeem yourself. The same can be said for things that happen in life. Did I truly do my best in that interview or was I not at the top of my game because I wasn't completely prepared or I didn't get enough sleep the night before because I wanted fun and didn't look at the big picture. Opportunity is always there but some is more important to our life than others. We always need to be our very best because it becomes a habit and that habit becomes your way of life. Be that person who can look in the mirror and whole heartedly say that I gave my very best and then agree with yourself that you will make that best a little better each and every day. Here's to the "Best New You" each day.

Being the best version of oneself is something everyone should at least try to be. If everyone would do that we could make the world a better place.

Be the best in every endeavor

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