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Prayer will change your life

Some of us pray, others hope, wish, believe, or something else. In our spiritual life we need to have support from the unseen. It is not the unknown as we have information that we have accepted and we connect to the almighty by our prayer and praise. We all have three important parts of our life: Spiritual, Physical, and Mental. Our spiritual life for most everyone is the most abstract. Physically we are what we see and we know how to change. Mentally it is a mind set, negative or positive and by doing certain things we can change that as well. Spiritually many times people become confused and even as Christians which many of us are when we read the bible we don't always agree on what we read and how to understand it. Prayer though is a way for us to talk with our creator, to thank him for what he has done and to ask for our needs to be fullfiled. It is important that we don't neglect this part of our lives because if we don't we will become out of balance. Our Heavenly Father wants what is best for us and it is important that we find out what he wants from us.

Praying for your success!

We all pray for your success

"All I know is that when I pray, coincidences happen; and when I don't pray, they don't happen." Dan Hayes

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