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Being Very....

We've all been there, were not just hungry were very, very hungry or very, very tired. Very is an adjective that expresses how we feel or how we perceive something. Very can describe things like a very beautiful dress, or a very tasty meal. The more very's you put before a word the more you show how you feel about something. I do play-by-play for our local high school. I can thing of many times I use the word very, like that was a very, very good play or that call was really a very, very, very bad call by the official, I'm also an official so I try to go softly on the reffs. What do you find very... and what are things that you do that make you very, very happy. Do them and also find what will make others be very, very happy. It's up to all of us to create a good life for others, while making a good life for ourselves. Just a little bit better each and every day.

Very, very excited for the big game

A very funny quote - A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing

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