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More Power

Having the staying power to see the project through or completing that tough task.

Many people seek power, be it political, physical, or even charismatic. Some individuals see power as something that is evil. Others see it as a blessing, as people use it to help others who are less fortunate. It's true power can be used for good or misused for bad. If we look at our lives we will see that we have certain powers we can use to make others lives better. In doing so we make our life better. For us to improve we need to look for ways to help others. I hear people say "I sure wish I could help them out," not realizing that they have the power to help. We all need to take stock of what we have in the way of power to help others. What are our abilities that we can pass on to others to make someone else's life better? When we help others many times it causes a ripple effect and your efforts go beyond just the individual you helped. What ever power we've been given let's use it to help some be a little bit better every day.

Given power - use it wisely

Nothing unmasks a person like their use of power.


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