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Everyone has something they want or need to conquer. For some it is fear, for others it's weight loss, and for some it might be a habit like smoking. We can conquer these challenges in our lives in several ways, today well look at doing what someone else has successfully done. Look for someone who has succeeded at something we need to do. Weight loss is one thing that is on the mind of many people the start of the new year. It seems like there is someone out there who has lost a lot of weight and really looks great. If we want to look that way then we need to find out what they did, how long it took and what adjustments we need to make in order to find that success. We are looking at following a map that someone else used to get to the destination we are seeking. There may be detours but if we diligently seek the answers we will find our way and get back on track. For some it may go fast for others it will be what we strive for - a little bit better each and every day.

Conquering weight loss - seeing the improvement

“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.” An Old Chinese Proverb

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