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Without hope what is there? Anything we do or want to do starts with hope. We hope we can get that job, we can make that perfect meal, and we can make that special person like us. Hope can start with an idea, promise, a thought, it can also come from reading a book, listening to a speech, watching a movie or talking to a friend. There are many things we hope for in life. Some we will get others we won't. We have to make the decision what we are going after as part of what we are hoping for.

Hope for a future, a better, brighter future

As a country we entered the second world war with the hope we could save the world from tyranny. There are no guarantees that what we hope for will come to pass, but with out hope there is very little chance for success. Prioritize what you hope for, what's most important and then go after it. May all your hopes and dreams be realized. We know how, by being a little bit better each and every day.

"Never give up. Have hope. Expect only the best from life and take action to get it." Catherine Pulsifer

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