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The Loss of a Loved One

This is something that is close to me right now. I didn’t lose a loved one but I have friends who did. One is the husband; the other is the sister of the women who passed. It is very hard to express the emotions you feel and go through as you try to deal with the loss of your loved one. People go through sadness, depression, and anger among other feelings. I have been there when my father passed and then again when my Father-in-law passed.

For my friends I pray for them as they continue their lives without that special person and as the husband consoles his children. And a sister who now only has the memories of what was. My heart breaks for them and their relatives during this time of loss. In time things will become better and life will return to a more normal place.

As they grieve they can feel confident that she is in a better place. Here’s to my friends, many prayers are coming your way and things will get a little bit better each and every day.

God Bless

The sadness and loneliness of losing a loved one

“Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.”

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