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We all know that when we do something, the more confidence we have the better we do, whether it is as an individual or as a team. How do we develop confidence? It is a process that takes time. The more we practice, the more we do something, the better we get at doing that thing. I’ve seen it in sports, in speaking, cooking, fishing, and many other examples. We all want to be the best and we want it now.

For some people they don’t need to practice as much because of certain talents God has given them, for others it takes a lot of time and effort but eventually they break through and reach their goals. The more confidence you have the better you do and the easier things seem to be.

Sometimes we become over confident in what we are doing and are brought down to earth by someone who has more talent or has been willing to put more time into what they are doing. No matter how good you get at something, no matter how confident you are, remain humble. No one likes to eat crow and if we become cocky and arrogant someone is going bring us down. Quite confidence will lead us to victories as we work towards our goals a little bit better each and every day.

It's a two way street, work hard and gain confidence

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.

Hanoch McCarty

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