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Super Sunday

It's time for the big game. Here in America and around the world, other than the World Cup Championship, this will be the biggest watched event live. People will watch their favorite players, they will cheer for their hero's, and root for those they want to win. It's a game, it's fun, and it's entertainment.

I want to ask you as you prepare to watch this big event to remember and pray for the real hero's in our lives, the individuals who put it on the line everyday, who can't call time out during the action, who don't get paid millions of dollars while risking their lives to insure ours remain secure. Those who sleep on a cot or on the dirt and eat rations so we can eat our three meals a day and sleep in our warm beds at night. The men and women in our active Military and the veterans who have given their time, effort, and much more serving this country, a country we call home.

After all the hoopla over the National Anthem this football season, I hope that everyone will honor our flag, our veterans, and our country during the pregame activities. Yes they did fight for our freedom and that includes to be able to protest, but let's hope we can come together during this time of celebration and show the world that even with the flaws of our country, we remain UNITED as citizen of the United States of America - the land that we love. The NFL has done a very good job of honoring veterans and active military this year and years past. Can more be done, as in life more can always be done but I personally think they have done a good job. Let's win one for our hero's, the service and former service members who have done us proud. Here's to thanking them for all they have done, giving time away from loved ones, for giving their health and body parts, and others giving their lives. We owe you a debt of gratitude. God Bless you and your families and God Bless America. Let's make America a little bit better each and every day!

Watching the big game and remembering our real hero's

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.

Elmer Davis

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