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Strengths of Wisdom and Knowledge - Curiosity

We are all curious individuals. As youngsters it's our curiosity that helps us grow and also can get us into trouble. Anyone get burns on their hands from touching something hot we knew we shouldn't or got a spanking for going some place we were told not to, but we had to see what was over there.

I don't know about you but as a kid I was told curiosity killed the cat. That's a great way to discourage someone from being curious. We need to be curious to grow. We want to know something, it becomes a seed of learning. It's important to be curious about the right things as the wrong things can lead us into trouble or dander.

Curiosity is exploring and it's discovery, being open to adventure and new ideas. What are some of the things you were curious about and have led you to experience something special in your life. I have had both good and bad as you may have as well, and like me it has shaped us into who we are. Before I head to bed each night I'm always curious what the next day will bring, it's a good reason for getting up each day and being a little bit better.

“Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly.”

Arnold Edinborough

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