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Be an encourager. We all need encouragement, but where does it come from. In many cases it comes from family or friends, in other cases it may be co-workers, classmates, or even total strangers. To help others we need to encourage other in their times of weakness and doubt. We need to up-lift these individuals and help them to get through a difficulty or accomplish a task. Words are most common but a smile, a hardy hand shake or high five, or even a hug can all be encouragements to people we know or a stranger we feel compelled to help. Take our eyes off ourselves and place them on others and help them. When we help others we help ourselves. It lessens our own stress and gives us that feeling of doing something important in God's kingdom. Don't be surprised that as you help others help we come to you and you will become a little bit better each and every day.

Positive encouragement

“One’s life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation and compassion.”

Simone De Beauvoir

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