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Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone: Tips from the Positivity Blog - This blog from Henrik talks about what we may miss if we don't step out of our comfort zone. We all like to be comfortable but to to accomplish our goals it will take stepping out of that comfortable area. We can do it and become a little bit better each and every day!

Simple Life Strategy: 5 Alternatives to Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

1. A boring, safe life. There you go, I said it. If you want the boring option then go right ahead, stick with what you know.

2. A life without surprises & excitement. Stepping outside of your comfort zone makes life interesting! It means you get to experience new things and life will constantly surprise you!

3. A life led by fear. If you choose not to step out of your comfort zone, you’re essentially being ruled by fear. Your fear is stopping you from exploring. This is not a very nice way to live.

4. A life of jealousy where you are constantly wishing for other people’s lives. The easiest way to put a stop to jealousy is to get out there and create the life that you dream of!

5. A wasted life! Don’t waste your life by settling for less than you deserve. Life is supposed to be fun and exciting and an adventure! Choose the kind of life you want to live. So why don’t people take action?

Doing something you've never done before

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

Neale Donald Walsch

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