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“Creative thinking inspires ideas. Ideas inspire change.” – Barbara Januszkiewicz

Use creative thinking to help you achieve or accomplish your goals. We have all been given this gift but it seems very few use it. Talk to someone to get ideas that will help you, talk to someone who is already at the level you want to be. Jessi Frey in her blog "What Changed When I Stopped Consuming and Started Creating" she talks about how consuming is easy but creating takes effort, you need to think about things that you haven't before and it can be "equally overwhelming and exciting." Here's an excerpt from her article, to read the entire blog

My Challenge to You

"Think about all the things that you consume and love. Is it books, music, perfumes, fashion? Maybe you love looking at someone who can dance really well. Or you love eating mother’s cooking. Or perhaps you admire someone who knows how to code, or builds shelves or fixes cars, but you’ve never thought you’d be able to do something like that.

Instead of observing and consuming, I challenge you to pick one of these things and try to become the creator yourself. Ask someone to show you the ropes. Spend a bit of time on YouTube tutorials. Join Skillshare. Start with something small and simple."

This is a great start to being a little bit better each and every day.

Creating a community garden

Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

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