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Where does inspiration come from? That's a good question. Some will say it comes from outside ourselves while others say it comes from within. I go along with the latter but I also believe it can be a part of each. We can be inspired by many things but we need to act upon that inspiration for it to be effective and productive in our lives. For some people a song, a movie, a sunset or sunrise, a compliment, or even a slight can inspire us do do great things. I've been told by many people that it has been the negative things that happened to them or said to them that has inspired them to reach certain goals or accomplish things others told them were impossible. If your working on a project or shooting for a goal look in your life for something or someone to inspire you to reach it, don't be afraid to look inside yourself to find that something that will move you. Remember inspiration can be a trigger to help us become a little bit better each and every day!

Finding inspiration to build that perfect house!

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

Henry Stanley Haskins

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